Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Första posten

180 cm
79 kg
16 år

Schema (ej mitt, credit till Aznbro från /fit/):
Day 1: Chest/Legs
bench press: 5x5
squat: 5x5
decline: 3x5
incline: 3x5

Day 2: Back/shoulders
pullup 3x? (different for everyone, might have to do negatives to start)
Deadlift 3x5
ohp 5x5
lat pulls 3x5
bent over barbell rows 5x5

Day 3: Biceps-Triceps ( a hypthen instead of slash because they are equally important)
Chinups 3x?
Dips 3x?
Dumbbell Curls 3x5
Skull crushers 3x5
Preacher Curl 3x5
Tricep Pull down 3x5

Day 4: Legs/Chest
Squat 5x5
Bench 3x5
Lunges 3x5
calf raises 3x5
more squats (?x?) depending on how you feel that day

Day 5: Shoulders/Back
ohp; 5x5
deadlift: 3x5
dumbell shoulder press: 5x5
lateral/horiztonal raises: 3x5 (be careful with these, start off light because they can really fuck up ur shoulders if you do them without proper form/warmup, stop these if you hear a clicking)

Day 6: Biceps/Triceps
Rinse and Repeat.

65 kg kroppsvikt
100 kg knäböj

Sista augusti 2011

Det här är bara en simpel uppdateringsblogg, med lite mat och träningsuppdateringar.

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